“Harmony amidst diversity in song and spirit” is one of our motto’s. Harmony is my favourite element of music. From Greek derivation, it means “joint, agreement, to fit together.” It can be simple or sophisticated when two (2) or more notes are sung or played at the same time and produce sound, harmonious or dissonant. They are connected by being – being present, sounding at the same time. To me, it is glorious. It elevates a piece of music and I joy in it. It’s the same with people.
Focusing on commonalities, embracing differences and celebrating them is how a group as diverse as we are become ‘joint, find agreement and fit together.’
We pray together before rehearsals and performances. We invite anyone in the space to join with us. My point about prayer is that we accept whatever each other’s personal beliefs may be and the offering from that person speaking on our behalf ends in agreement. This type of acceptance is enriching, enlivening and enlightening – an act of humility and respect for the person and the culture and experience that comes with them. It grounds us. It fits us together.
We strive to radiate “Harmony amidst diversity in song and spirit” in AustraNesia. It isn’t hard to do with a group of people who rejoice in each other’s achievements, music, cultures, in each other. We miss each other when we’re not together rehearsing. It is evident in the rejoicing that occurs after a break, every time a person enters the room. They go around acknowledging each individual – hugs, smiles and more hugs. It can’t be helped – although after about the 4th person, hugs and the like are put on hold until rehearsal is over. It is a beautiful fit – being together – making social, cultural, even emotional and spiritual harmony through that element of music that from experience, AustraNesia demonstrates with sophistication – Harmony.