Thousands of voices across thousands of generations of women.
A timeless tapestry of story and song that weave women strong.
Woven is a tribute to family, a celebration of women and the part they play in making family strong, a poignant and powerful testament of how we are all woven across time and across cultures through the family of humanity.
our people
Rat dipsaep ellore vel inci quam quae dolorem et voles repernatem ea duciist hit, officit, ut quidebistio quat quatium ipsae necturest et porest omnime sit fugitatent est rem et vollanducim fuga.
and Naurita, she performed as a member of the Briscoe Sisters at many major Australian music festivals. In 2005, she changed career direction to concentrate on composing simple, meaningful, rootsy and heartfelt songs. As well, alongside her husband and children she has taken the opportunity to share culture, beliefs and stories with audiences through song and dance. Her multiple talents have been showcased at numerous community and private events.
musician and producer. Specialising in song-writing, vocal arranging and producing shows, her skills are sought after for many diverse projects for a wide range of media and genres of music. A dedicated music educator both in and out of the classroom, she strives to use music as a tool to better humanity.
She grew up in Far North Queensland and has studied Melanesian and Polynesian dance, music and culture along with contemporary jazz ballet and dance — nurturing her love of entertaining. She has sung for cabaret, music theatre, orchestral ensembles, band and club dates, hotel residencies and commissioned projects, as well as singing for studio recordings, radio and film. For Nikki Doll, music is all about combining her heart and her soul. See www.nikkidoll.com
time in Cairns. He specialises in R & B, Reggae and Hip-Hop — and has recorded an album, ‘db‘, featuring his originals. He sings for recording sessions and has acted in a radio play series; recorded for Arts Queensland and Torres Strait Regional Authority projects; and recently featured on an album blending traditional and contemporary music, ‘Kodangu‘, with male members of his family including his father, uncle and brothers.
of singers. Her musical gifts were and are still honed in church and worship services. Her friendly and inviting personality connects her with audiences. As well, her broad smile and obvious love of music and dancing make her an engaging performer. She has the ability to improvise with ease. Peta Tautu takes every opportunity to share her love of her culture and music.
musical experience has been within the tradition of Christian worship. At fifteen years of age, he first played bass and then learned keyboards and guitar, eventually becoming his church’s music director. He also has performed at corporate functions in the Cairns area, singing at the 2012 Cairns Indigenous Arts Fair (CIAF) and performing for National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) events in Cairns.
Yothu Yindi, Sanguma and Tribe Of Jubal. A well respected studio musician, producer and performer, he has also worked with George Telek, Not Drowning Waving, Drum Drum, Tamabaran Culture and Henry ‘Seaman’ Dan. Ben performed at the Closing Ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games and in opening acts for Bon Jovi, Kylie Minogue and Carlos Santana. He was awarded an Australia Centenary Medal for musical contributions to the Australian community.
through in all her artistic endeavours. Along with many Australian festival performances, she has also performed abroad and her powerful voice is much sought after in the recording studio. Her well-honed talents have seen her perform across a range of diverse musical venues and projects. A commanding onstage presence captivates her audiences as she fully immerses herself in lyric, groove and song.
His musical tastes are broad, feeling each genre has something to offer. A major musical influence was the Beatles, whom his father loved, and from their music he learned to appreciate and understand song structure, melody and lyric composition. Today Steve Tofa loves to share music and ideas with his children and all who will listen.
Nicole grew up singing gospel music in church and ventured into musical studies at the age of seventeen, achieving a Diploma in World Music at the Eora College of Sydney TAFE. Eventually she performed in local music groups in Cairns and Sydney and has toured internationally with the Black Arm Band. An active songwriter, Nicole Lampton has written many original songs relating mostly to life’s experiences and struggles.
Peninsula areas. Her family has a long history of involvement in community music and she herself is a singer and songwriter. She has done formal study in music and also performed nationally and internationally at festivals and cultural events as well as in theatre, film and television. She performs because: firstly, it is ‘in her blood’; secondly, it is a way to present messages drawing attention to issues impacting her life and the lives of others.
Australia’s award winning production of ‘Yarrabah! The Musical’. Backed by a 20 year career in the industry, Troy mentors and empowers people through music. Troy Brady’s songs and performances reflect his life experiences as an Aboriginal man living in an Australian society where the historical past strongly influences the present and affects the future. See www.troybradymusic.com
professionally since she was twenty-three, including six years performing in Brisbane. She has performed for local Indigenous and wider community events whilst also working as a registered nurse and raising a family. She has developed as a songwriter and recording artist and was in the final 7 on the high profile Australian version of the X-Factor musical television competition. Her music draws upon Indigenous and contemporary music, and infuses them with Soul, Blues and Jazz flavourings.
Music Program at the Tropical North Queensland TAFE in 2000. Graduating with a Diploma in Music, he has become a much sought after musician (drums, bass, guitar and ukulele) and song and vocal arranger. His professional career includes live audio engineering at major national festivals and in the studio.
a songwriter and singer. She uses her music to inspire and motivate aspiring musicians of all cultures and backgrounds. She has presented workshops to youth groups in particular, mentoring them in drumming, guitar, lighting design and audio engineering. She is a firm believer in using her past and present experiences to propel her towards future musical endeavours. For Mayella Dewis: “music is the rhythm to my life’s melody. They complete each other”.
Christian upbringing. As part of a youth music ministry she performed with her school and various youth bands around the Gold Coast area of Queensland. She also has had vocal training and competed in Eisteddfods from the ages of twelve to sixteen. Bronwyn Osborne endeavours to share her singing talents and write songs all for the love of music to allow others to feel good inside and out.
from Injinoo, the Bulgoone-Wada from Kings Plain near Cooktown and the Wakkaman from Chillagoe. She holds university degrees in Education, Indigenous Community Development and is studying for a degree in Business. Tracey has been involved with music since childhood, singing along with Jimmy Little’s recordings, performing at school concerts and forming bands. As a singer and songwriter she has won many music competitions across Queensland.
growing up her father was never without a guitar in his hands. She enjoyed music in school and sang in the choir all through high school. However, it was not until 2012 that she undertook formal study in music, completing Certificates 3 and 4 at Tropical North Queensland TAFE in Cairns. Her songwriting style has been liked to The Waifs.
heritage. With over twenty years experience as a drummer, percussionist and dancer she has performed at major festivals with numerous national and international artists, combining her love of contemporary genres — Soul, Reggae, Folk, Funk and World Music — with an appreciation of her Polynesian roots. She is a certified facilitator for the Music Therapy Drum Beat Program and ESL Music Therapy programs. https://sisterliberty.com.au/
Elverina has been involved in the creative arts industry for over 30 years as a visual and performing artist and as a manager of various projects throughout her community and abroad. She is an established singer/songwriter, performing at many events. She has won many prolific awards and is recognised locally and nationally for her art work, community leadership and advocacy for women’s and indigenous rights.
singer-songwriter, playwright, comedian and entertainer. She is a long-time, dedicated member of AustraNesia. “I have thoroughly enjoyed directing “Woven”. Love working with cast, choir and creatives. Best experience ever!”
fluently and Samoan music was something enjoyed by her whole family. They always sang together in multi-part harmonies, especially on Sunday mornings before church. Music in general is also her passion and her personal motivation is to write, sing and perform as a means of self-expression.
Nicole grew up singing gospel music in church and ventured into musical studies at the age of seventeen, achieving a Diploma in World Music at the Eora College of Sydney TAFE. Eventually she performed in local music groups in Cairns and Sydney and has toured internationally with the Black Arm Band. An active songwriter, Nicole Lampton has written many original songs relating mostly to life’s experiences and struggles.
independent folk act Women in Docs as well as for her solo recordings and performances as a Country and Roots musician. She has recorded more than ten albums, winning various song-writing, self-management and music business awards for her efforts. Roz also has a strong commitment to music making in and for the community having initiated and directed many projects and collaborations. Roz Pappalardo follows her musical heart around Australia and the world — using music as a powerful instrument of change.
Young University, Hawaii. She attributes her passion and pursuits in music to her parents, who worked hard and sacrificed much to support her. “I will forever be indebted to them.” Rubina continually uses her musical knowledge and years of teaching and performance experience to help others on their journey.
a songwriter and singer. She uses her music to inspire and motivate aspiring musicians of all cultures and backgrounds. She has presented workshops to youth groups in particular, mentoring them in drumming, guitar, lighting design and audio engineering. She is a firm believer in using her past and present experiences to propel her towards future musical endeavours. For Mayella Dewis: “music is the rhythm to my life’s melody. They complete each other”.
music study at the Tropical North Queensland TAFE in Cairns. As a child she grew up hearing her father’s collection of Western folk music and her mother’s extensive and beloved collection of Samoan music. In her songwriting and performances, Monika Duggan strives to incorporate the influences Samoan and Pacific Islander cultures have had on her upbringing and the teachings she truly values today.
and given me a realisation that all women are woven by God.”
“Woven” to learn and perform alongside my sisters in a new chapter through drama. I am captivated by the stories, empowerment and wisdom that will teach the audience about life itself. I love it!”
me a sense of pride to be a Woman of colour. Throughout rehearsals, I couldn’t help but think of my Bubu (Grandmother), my Sinagu (Mother), my Lalagu’s (Auntie’s and Niece’s) and other women in my life.”
absolute delight. Our team are extremely talented that it is humbling to be amongst so many Greats. The story ignites compassion and gives understanding to the strength of women through generations of hardships.”
helped shape and strengthen my acting and singing abilities. I have been very blessed to work alongside not only my Mother but also the cast, choir and creative team who have each added their spark to make it as amazing as it is.”
Women and Sounds of AustraNesia. “I’ve been pushed out of my comfort zone which has been challenging yet rewarding. “Woven” has given me the chance to reflect upon my life and the life of my ancestors before me. I have loved every part of the process.”
20 years, as presenter, programmer, playwright and actor. Roz is one of AustraNesia’s strongest supporters since its beginning. “Working on “Woven” from concept to delivery has been a blessing, engaging with emerging female artists from our region and working in a creative team who are generous and focused.”
Young University, Hawaii. She attributes her passion and pursuits in music to her parents, who worked hard and sacrificed much to support her. “I will forever be indebted to them.” Rubina continually uses her musical knowledge and years of teaching and performance experience to help others on their journey.
“Woven” has created an amazing ripple effect, unearthing many hidden talents within our group and beyond. We’ve been blessed to share our deepest inner thoughts about womanhood and the exchange of powerful ideas is in a way quite similar to the nature of weaving itself!”
“Woven has not only provided me with an extended family but a cultural and personal strength, pride and love like no other. I look forward to continuing to grow with such a supportive net of empowering women.”
Popular Music graduate, this is Bellani’s first production with AustraNesia. “Woven” pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me to be strong in who I am and be proud of my heritage. My experience with the amazing cast and creative team has changed who I am – how I see the world.”
show of womanhood, I am honoured and truly blessed to share this experience together as sisters from our respective cultures.”
of artists, organisations and stake holders of diverse backgrounds. I feel humbled, blessed and overwhelmingly excited about this special new work. He has most enjoyed being surrounded by such a supportive, creative and passionate team throughout the process.
singer-songwriter, playwright, comedian and entertainer. She is a long-time, dedicated member of AustraNesia. “I have thoroughly enjoyed directing “Woven”. Love working with cast, choir and creatives. Best experience ever!”
designs and contents to new works in the industry of theatre, arts, community projects and events within the region, but also mentoring and interpreting their specific needs. “Woven” is very powerful. These voices remind us of the importance of women in our lives and why it’s important to cherish and support them always.”
sure her name carries a positive reputation in the arts community. ”With my role in “Woven” I’ve been able to tune in on my reporting skills, obseringe how creatives work together to build a show. I feel blessed to work in such a positive environment, being guided by industry professionals.”
Music Program at the Tropical North Queensland TAFE in 2000. Graduating with a Diploma in Music, he has become a much sought after musician (drums, bass, guitar and ukulele) and song and vocal arranger. His professional career includes live audio engineering at major national festivals and in the studio.
towards the stage. “Woven” comes from a place of true collaboration from extraordinary, resilient, talented and giving artists and it has been such an honour to be involved. I’m in awe of the message of the strength and solidarity “Woven” conveys, the power of women, and humanity itself, to find beauty in every step of life.
amazing collaborations and consolidated her career, providing exceptional designs and contents to the development and production of new works in theatre, art, community projects and events. “Woven” is a wonderful journey of womanhood, showing our strengths, fragilities and hopes.”
ensemble – my Woven sisters…Weave Your Story Strong! This experience has been amazing, rewarding and challenging. It has made me a stronger person, looking forward to fulfil my musical aspirations.”
musician and producer. Specialising in song-writing, vocal arranging and producing shows, her skills are sought after for many diverse projects for a wide range of media and genres of music. A dedicated music educator both in and out of the classroom, she strives to use music as a tool to better humanity.
Cast Members
Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, is a melting pot of diversity and these regions are well represented in its population. It is the hub and gateway to local, outlying and Cape York First Nations communities. It is the closest mainland Australian city offering direct flights to the Torres Strait Islands and the Melanesian country of Papua New Guinea. It has become home to many Polynesian immigrants, many of whom relocate here because of the tropical climate, vegetation and waters they are akin to in their islands.
helped shape and strengthen my acting and singing abilities. I have been very blessed to work alongside not only my Mother but also the cast, choir and creative team who have each added their spark to make it as amazing as it is.”
Women and Sounds of AustraNesia. “I’ve been pushed out of my comfort zone which has been challenging yet rewarding. “Woven” has given me the chance to reflect upon my life and the life of my ancestors before me. I have loved every part of the process.”
“Woven” has created an amazing ripple effect, unearthing many hidden talents within our group and beyond. We’ve been blessed to share our deepest inner thoughts about womanhood and the exchange of powerful ideas is in a way quite similar to the nature of weaving itself!”
show of womanhood, I am honoured and truly blessed to share this experience together as sisters from our respective cultures.”
Popular Music graduate, this is Bellani’s first production with AustraNesia. “Woven” pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me to be strong in who I am and be proud of my heritage. My experience with the amazing cast and creative team has changed who I am – how I see the world.”
Choir Members
Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, is a melting pot of diversity and these regions are well represented in its population. It is the hub and gateway to local, outlying and Cape York First Nations communities. It is the closest mainland Australian city offering direct flights to the Torres Strait Islands and the Melanesian country of Papua New Guinea. It has become home to many Polynesian immigrants, many of whom relocate here because of the tropical climate, vegetation and waters they are akin to in their islands.
ensemble – my Woven sisters…Weave Your Story Strong! This experience has been amazing, rewarding and challenging. It has made me a stronger person, looking forward to fulfil my musical aspirations.”
“Woven has not only provided me with an extended family but a cultural and personal strength, pride and love like no other. I look forward to continuing to grow with such a supportive net of empowering women.”
absolute delight. Our team are extremely talented that it is humbling to be amongst so many Greats. The story ignites compassion and gives understanding to the strength of women through generations of hardships.”
and given me a realisation that all women are woven by God.”
me a sense of pride to be a Woman of colour. Throughout rehearsals, I couldn’t help but think of my Bubu (Grandmother), my Sinagu (Mother), my Lalagu’s (Auntie’s and Niece’s) and other women in my life.”
“Woven” to learn and perform alongside my sisters in a new chapter through drama. I am captivated by the stories, empowerment and wisdom that will teach the audience about life itself. I love it!”
Creatives Members
Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, is a melting pot of diversity and these regions are well represented in its population. It is the hub and gateway to local, outlying and Cape York First Nations communities. It is the closest mainland Australian city offering direct flights to the Torres Strait Islands and the Melanesian country of Papua New Guinea. It has become home to many Polynesian immigrants, many of whom relocate here because of the tropical climate, vegetation and waters they are akin to in their islands.
towards the stage. “Woven” comes from a place of true collaboration from extraordinary, resilient, talented and giving artists and it has been such an honour to be involved. I’m in awe of the message of the strength and solidarity “Woven” conveys, the power of women, and humanity itself, to find beauty in every step of life.
Music Program at the Tropical North Queensland TAFE in 2000. Graduating with a Diploma in Music, he has become a much sought after musician (drums, bass, guitar and ukulele) and song and vocal arranger. His professional career includes live audio engineering at major national festivals and in the studio.
designs and contents to new works in the industry of theatre, arts, community projects and events within the region, but also mentoring and interpreting their specific needs. “Woven” is very powerful. These voices remind us of the importance of women in our lives and why it’s important to cherish and support them always.”
singer-songwriter, playwright, comedian and entertainer. She is a long-time, dedicated member of AustraNesia. “I have thoroughly enjoyed directing “Woven”. Love working with cast, choir and creatives. Best experience ever!”
Young University, Hawaii. She attributes her passion and pursuits in music to her parents, who worked hard and sacrificed much to support her. “I will forever be indebted to them.” Rubina continually uses her musical knowledge and years of teaching and performance experience to help others on their journey.
amazing collaborations and consolidated her career, providing exceptional designs and contents to the development and production of new works in theatre, art, community projects and events. “Woven” is a wonderful journey of womanhood, showing our strengths, fragilities and hopes.”
sure her name carries a positive reputation in the arts community. ”With my role in “Woven” I’ve been able to tune in on my reporting skills, obseringe how creatives work together to build a show. I feel blessed to work in such a positive environment, being guided by industry professionals.”
of artists, organisations and stake holders of diverse backgrounds. I feel humbled, blessed and overwhelmingly excited about this special new work. He has most enjoyed being surrounded by such a supportive, creative and passionate team throughout the process.
20 years, as presenter, programmer, playwright and actor. Roz is one of AustraNesia’s strongest supporters since its beginning. “Working on “Woven” from concept to delivery has been a blessing, engaging with emerging female artists from our region and working in a creative team who are generous and focused.”