Family. That’s the word that comes to mind when I think of AustraNesia. When I write to the collective group announcing a gig, it usually begins with ‘Hey Fam.’ If I’m writing to them as individuals, ‘Hey Bro’ or ‘Hey Sis’ is the typical greeting. If I’m on the receiving end of a message, I’m called ‘Sis’. Those titles are earned and I consider it a priviledge to be called such. Although our cultural heritages are unique and varied, we were brought together through our common love for and gift of music –
It connects us. Within our respective regions, are a diverse number of languages and dialects –yet we are united by this universal language, and we raise our voices united in song. This medium, artform and powerful force helps us to remember our ancestors, retain our heritage and celebrate each other in story and song –
Our meeting place. Song is a place where we first came together. Through embracing song, we learned to embrace each other. We’ve come to embrace each other’s families as an extension of our own. It is a beautiful connection by association. People come, people go but the feeling of belonging is never forgotten. It is something special
– Connection; Caring; Gladness; Generosity; Laughter; Love and so much more. This is what comes to mind when I think of AustraNesia. Family.